Our community guidelines

Our community guidelines ensure a safe and respectful environment for all users.

The guidelines encourage respectful communication, accurate information, protection of privacy, inclusion, and accountability. By following these guidelines, users can work together towards positive social change while respecting the diverse backgrounds and opinions of others.

Respectful Communication:

We encourage all users to engage in respectful communication and refrain from using any hateful, discriminatory, or offensive language. We are committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all users.

Non-Violent Action:

We support peaceful and nonviolent action in all campaigns hosted on Together.org.nz. We do not condone any form of violent or illegal activity, and any content promoting such behaviour will be removed from the platform.

Accurate Information:

We encourage all users to ensure that the information they share on the platform is accurate and fact-based. Misinformation and disinformation can harm campaigns and mislead supporters, so we ask all users to fact-check their content before sharing it.

Protection of Privacy:

Together.org.nz is committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users. We ask that all users respect the privacy of others and not share any personal information without explicit permission.


We welcome all users, regardless of their background, ability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor. Together.org.nz is committed to creating an inclusive community that values diversity and celebrates difference.


All users are accountable for their actions on the platform. We ask that users take responsibility for their words and actions and avoid any behaviour that violates our community guidelines.