We love our public service workers
Faced with job losses and unprecedented insecurity, it’s a really hard time to be working in the public service right now.
Workers are also having to deal with their work being devalued, despite serving our communities by delivering essential services that we all rely on.
This Government has no regard for the people who keep the country running.
But we do.
As we fight attacks on public services, we must not lose sight of that.
We love our public servants and appreciate the vital work they do in communities right across Aotearoa. Our country would grind to a halt without them.
Let’s take a moment to tell positive stories about public servants and the work they do. It may seem small, but messages of affirmation can go a long way at a dark time.
Let’s show public service workers our love and support.
Public Service - the glue of the scaffolding
Public service workers ensure the smooth running of our nation, without them we will see degradation of services, leading to an increase in chaos.
Public service workers are much needed infrastructure
I'm sad that public services and their workers are being demonised by this government. Our country would not function without good public services. People are at the heart of everything and i am so sorry for the people who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own
The current government thru the demands of the Minister of finance Nicola Willis has guaranteed to increase the unemployed fellow New Zealanders will rise to over 9000
Services that serve the public
So short sighted of a government to be cutting back on essential services that you provide to all of us. The government policies for the public service are an attack on Wellington and particularly on women that make up about 70% of the public service as well as many of the 'backroom' functions that keep our services ticking. Kia kaha! This too shall pass!
Shortsighted and Indiscriminate Redundancies
The Public Service will be key to turning our economy around. So much of the current rhetoric around slashing spending is contrary to what was promised on the election trail- we need our public servants to support us when times are tough. Tax cuts for the rich at the cost of services for the poor are a step in the wrong direction. I will be there to march with our Public Servants when the time comes! Thankyou for your hard work in making NZ the amazing place it is today, and know that this government doesnt speak for everyone- you still have allies!
Shout out to our tireless public and community service workers
Thanks to those unsung heroes, the workers in public and community services, who everyday create a better future for New Zealand. They make sure we can access the healthcare and education we need, keep us safe, protect our environment and help us enjoy it, support those who need our assistance. They help us remain a vibrant, democratic, inclusive and just society, and bring to life the partnership envisaged in Te Tiriti.
Strong public service - strong society
I don't want a tax cut. I want a strong public service meeting our society's needs. We know what happened last time and it must not happen again without any strong push back from workers, PSA and the public. I am here waiting for the call. I am here to support you.
Support those who work for us!
Public service workers are the backbone of all societies. Without them we simply could not function. The attacks by Van Velden with the repeal of all FPA along with the reintroduction of 90 day trial periods is an assault on all workers, but especially those on an already low wage. It is criminal that the years of hard work and battling by the late Helen Kelly has been attacked by the fresh faced sociopath Brooke Van Velden.
Thanks for all you do!
We love you all so much!
Thank you
Public and community service workers do work that is often invisible and taken for granted until not there anymore or we have to pay for it. Thank you for providing us all with safe food, income support, healthy homes, road safety, border protection, digital security, passports, safe work standards and work safety inspections, safe water testing, clean air....the list goes on. Your work is what creates a better future for us.
Thank you for all you do!
Thank you for your expertise and skill and passion. Thanks for working to make Aotearoa a better place. This Government might not value what you do, but New Zealanders do because we see it and benefit from it every day. In solidarity :D
Thank you for everything you do
I know it can be a thankless job, unappreciated by both the public and the over-paid management giving you terrible direction. Rest assured that a lot of NZ *does* see when you put in the effort, and we appreciate it! This country, and particularly its vulnerable, cannot thrive without you. Kia kaha.
Thank you for the valuable work you do!
Thanks to all the people working for the public good to make Aotearoa a better place. So much of the great work you do goes unseen but that shouldn't mean it's unappreciated: from the people who provide financial support every day for those who need it, to the people putting hard work into developing policy on really complex problems, to the ones writing comms so people have access to information and can engage with democracy, to the people doing the admin keeping public organisations running so all those other people can focus on what they need to do. And that's just to name a few! It sucks to see certain politicians - and the people who buy into their rhetoric - devaluing the work that you do and trying to portray it as waste. Your work is valuable; it's the stuff that keeps society functioning, deals with the biggest challenges society faces, and helps improves lives.
Thank you to all public servants
Thanks to all the public servants around the motu for the important work you do. Public servants keep New Zealand society functioning. Without public servants, we would not have access to so many of the fundamental things we take for granted that allow us to live decent, modern lives - from healthcare, to education, to environmental protection, to infrastructure planning, to the very statistics we rely on to make public policy.
Thank you, we see you and we care
Thank you to every one of you working in our public services. You keep Aotearoa running day to day and from crisis to crisis. You are not invisible and we need you. With our increasing population growth and challenges from storms to pandemics we need to be investing more in our Public Services not depleting them. Kia kaha
Thoughts are with you
You are appreciated for the heart and effort you put in, even if this clueless short-sightedness of this government does not recognise efforts to keep Aotearoa functioning as a cohesive society. Forcing cuts in this timeframe has lead to poor departmental decisionmaking, has not allowed adequate spreading of the impact and does not recognise the reality of the increased scope and complexity of what the public service does in this unequal times. This injustice will continue to be protested by myself and others.
We all need our public services - and public servants!
Our public servants are there for every crisis, every health issue, every natural disaster, every time someone is vulnerable and alone - the list goes on and on. If we don't invest in our public servants, we are not investing in Aotearoa.
We value your services and the work you do for us, the Government have pushed to many buttons ,lets keep the momentum running while we are all on the boil, dont drop the guards down now, STAND UP FIGHT BACK. Dont be square but be there.
We need you
We need you
We're right behind you!
Thank you all for the valuable contribution you've made to our country. Sending support and empathy, along with the hope for a brighter future for us all. Meanwhile, we're right behind you!