Let me count the Ways

Shall I write about the fabulous Medical and Administrative staff at Whangarei Hospital where I recently had not one but two Cataract procedures on my left eye? The MSD Staff who helped me with Travel Allowance for Counseling? The amazing MSD clerk/telephonist who scoured the country for a bar fridge to suit my solar electric system when I needed a new refrigerator? There are so many stories of competent, caring public servants I find it beyond belief and shameful that we are laying them off like this : to the point where I withdraw my 'Consent to be Governed' from this National-ACT-NZFirst aka NACTZ1 Coalition government. AOTEAROA New Zealand should be creating MORE Public Service employment during a recession.

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  • WALTER (Wally) Hicks
    WALTER (Wally) left this comment. 2024-04-22 17:30:52 +1200